Anniversary gifts for my husband-What to get?
It's my 20 Year Anniversary! OMG! What kind of gifts should I give to my husband?Well, I cannot believe that I will be celebrating 20 years of marriage to the same man! We have been through fire and trials of all sorts and we have still honored our commitment. Now what do I give him as a token of all my love and for my gratitude for him still wanting to be married to me?! (said with a slight amount of sarcasm).He is the practical sort and he enjoys coffee so I could give him a mug.That might not be too exciting. He rides a skateboard and likes all of that skateboard, trucks, bearings, and wheels sort of thing. I could get him this skateboard with lights; but I wouldn't want it in my bathroom but he could hang it in the garage.
Or...I could be all sentimental and give him some personalized cuff links like these.
I need to decide quickly! I will share my anniversary gift with you next month after I present it to my beloved!What was the best anniversary gift that you gave or received? Inquiring minds want to know!XOHolly