Christmas Tree Ornaments
Christmas Tree Ornaments-How many do you need?
A client recently asked me if I knew how many ornaments she would need for a 12' tree. I figured a large tree would need a lot of ornaments but I wasn't sure how many to suggest.I found this helpful chart from Christmas Lights Etc.Tree Height Number and Suggested Size of Ornaments2 Ft. 40 to 60 1.25" ornaments3 Ft. 60 to 80 1.25" - 2" ornaments4 1/2 Ft. 120 ornaments of different sizes from 1.25" - 2"7 1/2 & 8 1/2 Ft. 300 ornaments of different sizes from 2" - 3.25"9 1/2 to 12 Ft. 450 ornaments of different sizes from 2.75" - 4"14 Ft. 650 ornaments of different sizes from 2.75" - 4"If you just purchased a 12' tree you are going to need a truck load of ornaments!I like to mix very large ornaments with medium size ornaments to give the tree depth and to match its awesome size. his same rule applies for shorter trees as well.I like the simplicity and elegance of this Christmas tree with silver and white ornaments from Design Serendipity.Here are a few more beautifully decorated trees with fabulous ornaments. How do you decorate your tree? Do you like a lot of ornaments? Do you prefer a traditional theme or something whimsical?Holly